Indietro Avanti

Far rinascere la speranza in Africa con il cinema. Questo l’ambizioso progetto di Cine Yagoua:. “portare la scatola magica che accende la speranza in una cittadina al Nord del Cameroun,...

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Domenica 21 Gennaio 2018 ore 17.00 il CineClub Montiferru presenta il Teatro del Seminario, Via Vittorio Emanuele Cuglieri Comune di Cuglieri. Inside Out è la storia di una bambina, Riley...

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Tutto pronto per la seconda edizione del Premio Centottanta, il concorso a premi riservato a film-maker esordienti del territorio sardo. La partecipazione è gratuita e i termini delle domande sono...

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Ancora un mese per presentare i progetti cinematografici al concorso KENZEBOGHES 2017, organizzato dall’associazione Babel in collaborazione con Ejatv, Areavisuale Film e La Società Umanitaria –Cineteca Sarda di Cagliari. La...

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Ricca giornata di appuntamenti, sabato 10 dicembre, all’interno della decima edizione di Creuza de Mà. Si inizia alle 16, al MiniMax del teatro Massimo di Cagliari, con La musica per il...

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Si svolgerà dal 9 al 12 dicembre 2016 nella sala Primo Longobardo, sull’isola de La Maddalena il “secondo atto” del festival La valigia dell’attore, manifestazione intitolata a Gian Maria Volonté.Dopo...

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Ouverture nel segno di Pinuccio Sciola per la XII edizione di Passaggi d'Autore - Intrecci Mediterranei in programma dal 6 all'11 dicembre tra la Sala Consiliare del Comune e il...

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L’accabadora, film di Enrico Pau con Donatella Finocchiaro, Barry Ward, Sara Serraiocco, Carolina Crescentini, è stato selezionato alla XXII edizione del Medfilm Festival nel concorso ufficiale. Il film sarà proiettato...

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Tutti i vincitori dell'ottava edizione della kermesse che guarda il mondo dal sud Sardegna. di C.P. Si conclude l’ottava edizione del Carbonia Film Festival. Soddisfazione da parte degli organizzatori del concorso...

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Si terranno venerdì 23 e sabato 24 settembre, a San Sperate (CA) le anteprime del Cagliari Film Festival.Il 23, in piazza San Giovanni, è in programma la proiezione di Il...

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Nine months os pause and here we are again

After nine months of hiatus, Cine-me-cum is back on line with a stronger new team, new graphics and other exciting news. 

We apologize for the absence. These are the reasons: our organization, Cagliari in Corto, is the only association that has never and will never receive any monetary recompense thanks to the law for regional cinema. For such promotional organization, such as ours, that has the interest of all at heart (mainly through the web), there is no financial help!

Time and financial help were needed to redo the site, especially the technology. We did not give up. We are here to say that we have persevered and our voice will be heard. We thank all those that believed in us and that have encouraged us to go on; we thank all those that are part of the organization and those volunteers whose motivator is exclusively passion for the cause.
Donatella Percivale our Director, Luca Crippa our in-house Graphic Artist, Maria Elena Tiragallo e Valentina Corona, our assistants, Elisabetta Randaccio, our critic and editor, and also Anna Brotzu, Carlo Rafele, Salvatore Pinna, and countless others that have contributed on their own time and money from all over Sardinia and the world.
Thanks also to jservice that for months has followed us, so that we can realize our new goal. The purpose for the new look was to reach better visuals and more accessible reading of the site.

Our new site offers now two new different menus: one for the organization on the top, the other on the left side column with the content of the review.  The reader will have the opportunity to visit previous editions and be free to access the precious and substantial Cinema Archive from 2005 to today. The editions will be every fifteen days, (no more weekly), and our day of publishing will still be on Wednesday.

The overall colors of the site will still be light blue and yellow. Since we attest to be the flagship of this town, the words of the writer Francesco Alziator, one of the main exponents of Cagliari, come to mind:

“Nel sole, la città si leva come una gigantesca mano di pietra, diteggiata di torri, gialla di pietra e azzurra nella magica luna di acque che la circonda
"The City rises like a giant hand of stone, her fingers made of towers,  yellow stones and surrounded by light blue from the magic of the water moon”.

This is the reason why we have chosen the new graphics for the site: they represent and they are typical of the jewel that is the City of Cagliari. Together, with the Institute of the Cultural Arts – Language and Customs of Sardinia -, in collaboration with Salvatore Cubeddu and Quintina Culurgioni, we have started the publication of the new review “Linu a Colores” that will provide in Sardinian Language the translation of some Publications.

Another of our goals is to reach, from our stand point of identity and from our beloved island, the entire world. This is the reason why we welcome our site in English, the cosmopolitan language par excellence.
Cooperation is a key factor for the changes on our site.  Cooperation with the “Movimentu” – headed by the director Marco Antonio Pani – that will have a special place in our site. Cooperation with all other Cinema Associations that we will carry in our next first edition, and that  will offer automatic access (see instructions below), to all the date-lines and important events in the new “Cineagenda”.  It will be a complete guide available to our readers, so that they will be able to know and follow all the newest and most important events in the world of Cinema.

Many other novelties will be offered, and we invite you to explore the new site.
One note: we encourage you to participate at the Blog by Carlo Rafele:”What is Cinema thinking about?” for a serious and deep discussion on the Seventh Art.  
Also please do not forget the “Who’s Who” where, in a new setting, you can find the photos and resumes of all those involved in Film.  Needless to say, we have set up connections with Facebook and Tweeter and we encourage you to follow and promote us. Help from all of you and your cooperation are vital to our site: we love your suggestions and appreciate your observations, critique and comments, especially from your clicks and subscriptions.

(Grazie per la traduzione a Rita Imperiali Bainton)

Signing Off
Cagliari in corto

25 settembre 2013

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